{'lang': 'en_US', 'website_id': 71, 'allowed_company_ids': [8]}


130.00 €/Unit(s) Excluding VAT

Stool with polycarbonate shell and steel rod frame. It has an enveloping and ergonomic shape that is inspired by the iconic seats of the fifties and is characterized by the distinctive element of the hole on the body that optimizes its grip to move it. 

{"782": 90998, "794": 90999}


You will not be charged when you checkout.

The price of the material is meant for the rental of a maximum of 5 days, excluding transportation, delivery, pick up and furnishing. After your request will be sent, you will receive a non-binding quotation from one of our collaborators.

130.00 €/Unit(s)
Total price: 130.00 Excluding VAT
Width (cm) 47 Length (cm) 52 Height (cm) 97

Previously seens

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